Tuesday 12 March 2013

California 2

This is my post on places i'm going to visit. You're probably getting bored of these posts and don't like them but its something i want to do so you're going to have to put up with them. I'll also share my photos from my holiday with you!

This is a map of where we're going, our route is in red and i drew it on myself, just for you guys. Anyway, i think this is our route, it may change slightly but this is the rough route. We're going to land in LAX airport, then spend some time in LA, then we're going to collect our RV and begin drving up to Yosemite national park. Stopping at Bakersfield or some lake on the way. We will then spend a bit of time in Yosemite before heading across to San Fransisco. We'll spend a bit of time in San Fransisco and then we'll travel down the coastal road, which is meant to be beautiful, down to LA. Whilst driving along the coast, we'll stop at Santa Cruz, Monterey, Big Sur, Santa Maria, Santa Monica and Long beach. We'll also stop at other places, but they're the ones i'm most excited about. Then, we'll spend some more time around LA before finally heading home from LAX again. We were going to go down to San Diego but its too far down and we don't know if we'll get there in time. This whole journey will take 2 weeks, so it helps you understand the sheer scale of California, and therefore America.

Some of the places i'm most excited for are below - 

Venice beach.

Seeing the Hollywood sign.

Yosemite Falls.

Golden Gate Bridge, i'm actually really looking forward to San Fransisco in general.

Big sur coastline.
The Coastal road.

Alcatraz Island and Prison.

California 1

So this post is some pictures of California that look beautiful, i'm just so excited for it! I'm also going to continue with some more posts about shops i'll go to and places i'll visit. Anyway its 9 days until i go so you can understand my excitement, can't you?

I'm not going to South Lake but just the road looks amazing.

I think this is Los Angeles

Palm trees make me happy.

I also love the American road signs, so much nicer than the English ones. Yes, that is how excited and how much i love america.

Monday 11 March 2013

11 Things I Love

1. I love the beach in any weather, i would love to live near one. My favourite bit is the ocean though. I also love the hair the salt water gives me, it goes all wavy and i just love it.

2. Aero hot chocolate is the nicest thing ever, it bubbles up and tastes perfect when made with milk.

3. I am a keen traveller, the idea of discovering new places and doing adventrous things excites me so much. My list is very long but highlights are Australia, Dubai, Kenya and New York (If i take into account the fact that i'm going to California so thats off the list). Unfortunately, they're all very far away. I also really want to just do lots of activities like zip-wiring, scuba diving, skiing (again) and go-karting.

4. Reading, i read a lot but i haven't been reading so much recently. I recently read 'The Perks of being a Wallflower' which was amazing, but i'm trying to read all the classics like 'Wuthering Heights' and 'Little Women'.

5. Acoustic covers, this is so cliché but i do. The sound of the guitar is just so relaxing and the songs sound so much better, i'd love to be able to play a guitar but i'm so un-musically talented its ridiculous.

6.Milkshakes and frozen yogurt. I know this is two things but i thought i'd group them because they're both dairy. I'm not even going to try to justify this, i just love them.

7.  Adventorous things, i mentioned this earlier but i had to make a whole new point for this, but yeah stuff like zip-wiring. Especially (the idea of ) Surfing and Skiing. Okay so i'm awful at both of these sports but they are both so exciting i like to pretend i can. I really want to jet-ski one day and be good at water-skiing, also i love donuting.

8. Sloths and just funny animals in generals. I also love the way David Attenborough pronounces it 'Slooth'

9.  History, this has made me sound like a right geek but i love learning about History. I find it so fascinating and just learning about the past, its so exciting.

10.  Photography and photos. I'm not saying i'm good at photography, which i'm far from, but i enjoy taking photos. The idea of them being photographed and to remain a still memory of that moment makes me happy, and i have no idea why. I really like polaroids and camera films, i think its the vintage, classic feel of it that rather then being digital, its actually a memory in your hands. I just love making photo albums and looking back at old photos. I've made a pact this year that i'll take photos of all my memories and make lots of albums of them.

11.  Vintage things, i love vintage bits and bobs. I also love vintage cars and diners, so typically american yet i'm British  I so love the British phone boxes, they're vintage. I want to make one into a shower sometime. I also have a vintage book that I've turned into a scrapbook/photo album type thing and i love it so much. I also just love the vintage photo effect really, its so soft.I really love Cher Lloyd's US video for 'Want You Back', its in a diner and its got an amazing car in it, its just perfect. I think this love may link back to the history thing, but i'm also a sucker for modern things. I don't know, i have mixed likes. 

Sorry for the really jumbled up post today, it wasn't really planned so the sentence and paragraph structure is shocking and the sentences don't really link up but i was rushed.

My view on Feminism

There has been a lot of articles in 'The Daily Mail' recently about feminism and i thought i'd share my opinion on it. Of course, i'm not claiming to know alot on the topic since i am only a 13 year old girl, but my view has been collected in this years and its something that's never really been important to me but i though i'd share my view anyway.

I saw in one article that there was a small box with the fact '1 in 7 women don't label themselves feminists' (or something along those lines). The way the fact was phrased made it seem like this was shocking and they should label themselves feminists. I don't think the fact took into account that these people may not be feminists. I don't see anything wrong with women believing in womens rights and being equal but still not labeling themselves a feminist.

This whole issue with men holding doors open  for women is a matter of opinion but i don't see anything wrong with it, i don't feel its demeaning to women in anyway. Its showing respect for women. I feel like its a traditional part of our English culture, because its always been something that's quite British  If people from abroad think of England  especially america, they think of 'Ladies' and holding doors open for 'Ladies' is often associated with this. Its not a massive issue if you don't want the door held open for you but they make quite a big deal out of it.

(We can hold doors open for men too)

I suppose i do see the counterargument that these feminists have, that the women are strong enough to pull it open themselves. We as a nation are quite stereotypical and often we see women as having the more dainty, less physically demanding jobs. To a certain extent this is true because men are usually stronger than women, but women are capable of being strong and doing physically demanding jobs. I can pull a door open and always will, but if a male has gone to the effort of holding the door open for me, then i'll take it. Its a polite thing to do, whether you're male of female. I don't see it any different depending on what gender it is, at the end of the day someone is holding the door open for you, so just take it. Gender is just a way of grouping people, its not anything much more than that.

Obviously i do think women should be treated as equals to men. We should be allowed to get paid the same amount of money for a job as a male does. I read a shocking fact somewhere that says for the same job (forgotten what the job was) and same hours of work, men get paid more for the job than women. I also think we should be able to pick whatever job we want, not be restricted depending on gender. I believe this for both men and women, i think that its right that men can take maternity leave. I'm don't just believe this for women. I just think both genders should be treated equal because i don't see why gender should be such a big issue, its just to differentiate between who can have a baby and who can't. I do get quite worked up about women having to stay at home whilst men work, although its is part of our culture and i understand that. Times have changed and we've become more developed as a species and this is no longer true, i think male or female can be the housewife/househusband. Although women do carry the baby, you couldn't make a baby without a male so he's just as important.

One thing that really pushes my buttons though, is when people say 'Get back in the kitchen and make me a sandwich.'. No, you can make your own sandwich. I'm not going to go any further into it, because i'll write a lot but i just get extremely annoyed.

So maybe, looking back, i am a weak feminist. I do believe in women's rights and being equal but not quite so extreme as others.

Anyway, this was my view on feminism and so on, I'm glad you took time out of your day to read this and i hope it made you think in any way. Or in the best case, shaped your opinion on feminism further. Hope to see you again soon, bye!